Thursday, October 7, 2010

From The BlackBerry "Invest"

Lately I have been getting a lot of requests to do work for artists on Twitter and BBM. But then I wonder to myself, why would I do work for you when you don't do work for yourself? Don't get me wrong, I have worked with the bottom of the bottom and have done work for people who are recording straight off of their PC with no real studio! But EVERY LAST ONE of them already had exhausted their own options of what they could do on their own before they came to me for my help. While I admit, I love making money, I am an honest (person). I will not let anybody compromise what I have built because they have a half a** work ethic. I refuse to invest my time, energy, advice and creativeness into an artist who isn't willing to invest in themselves. I personally believe that it is easy to get on. If this is something that you truly want (a deal or whatever your goal may be) you will invest your time and all your resources to making that happen. I am sick of (dudes) who rap on the side and feel like they should be on...look at most NBA or NFL players for example, they lift, run, eat well, and dedicate their lives to doing all of the necessary things they need to do to make it to the league at all costs. Apply that same work ethic to your craft and you too will be able to reap the benefits of your hard work. Cece Vance ~ Publicist 

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