Friday, October 8, 2010

Social Network PR

Let's talk about social networking as a PR tool. First, there is no point in having a Twitter, Facebook or any other profile unless you are going to keep it active. We constantly see profiles that have not been logged into or updated in months (sometimes even years). If you are not going to log in daily or at the very least weekly, don't bother having one. It will just send the wrong message. If you are a celeb -- fans will think you don't really care about them. If you are in business -- people will think you are disorganized and neglectful. Messages and add requests received on a social network profile must be handled in a timely manner (just as if they came from your primary web site).

To present a good image, you must also guard your content. Don't accept all add requests. That will turn your profile into nothing more than a joke. When it comes to social networking friends, it's about quality, not quantity. You must make the time to actually screen them, or again don't bother having a profile. Don't accept irrelevant add requests either. In other words, make the effort to keep it all real. You should also set your preferences to pre-screen all comments people may want to post on your profile. Decline anything not in keeping with the image you want to present. Don't allow raunchy sexual photos or foul language, and don't allow random people to use it for their own advertising. Otherwise, your profile will quickly become irrelevant and boring. Cece Vance ~ Publicist

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